Make a Splash with a Water Feature for the Home and Garden

Categories: Articles about Water Features

Ready to add a splash of serenity to your garden? A water feature for the home and garden not only enhances the beauty of your outdoor space, but also creates a calming atmosphere, attracting local wildlife and bringing life to your garden. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through choosing the perfect water feature, whether it’s a self-contained fountain, outdoor water bowl, or a stunning pond. Plus, we’ll share tips on maintaining your water feature to keep it clean and functioning at its best.

Short Summary

  • Choose the perfect water feature for your outdoor space to create a tranquil atmosphere.
  • Add aquatic plants and wildlife havens to keep it clean while attracting nature.
  • Enhance with fountains, pools, and waterfalls – don’t forget regular maintenance!

Choosing the Right Water Feature for Your Space

The Arthur Jack water feature in a garden, perfect solution for eco friendly option

Water features come in various shapes and sizes, each adding a unique touch to your garden. From self-contained fountains requiring minimal maintenance to ponds teeming with wildlife, there’s a water feature to suit every outdoor space. When choosing the right option for you, consider factors such as the size of your garden, available space for installation, and the desired effect you want to create. And don’t forget, location is key! For instance, a water feature would make a great focal point in a walled garden.

Whether you have a sprawling garden or a small courtyard, outdoor water features can work wonders for your space. They bring a sense of tranquility and relaxation, especially when placed strategically at the end of a path or in the centre of a courtyard. So let’s dive into the different types of water features and how they can help you create the perfect oasis.

Self-Contained Water Features: Minimal Maintenance Required

If you’re a busy homeowner looking for a low-maintenance option, self-contained water features are the way to go. These versatile features come in various styles and materials, such as garden fountains, manmade streams, and rills. The soothing sound of trickling water adds to the ambience, making self-contained water features the perfect solution for a relaxing outdoor space.

When installing a self-contained water feature, ensure it is placed on a flat surface like a patio instead of grass or uneven terrain. Also, avoid placing your fountain under trees or tall shrubs, as falling leaves and debris can cause algae build-up and block the pump.

With proper installation and care, a self-contained water feature can bring a touch of elegance and tranquility to your garden, creating a restful atmosphere and enhancing the overall garden water ambiance.

Outdoor Water Features for Small Spaces

For those with limited outdoor space, water bowls and mini fountains are an excellent choice. These small yet impactful features can add a touch of water to your outdoor area without taking up too much space. When setting up a small water feature, consider its placement in relation to sunlight and nearby trees, as the water bowl can heat up quickly and may require more frequent cleaning.

To keep your small water feature clean and wildlife-friendly, top up the water with collected rainwater or tap water that has been left to stand for a few days. This helps reduce chemicals present in the water. Additionally, adding aquatic plants can help keep the water clean and attract wildlife, making your water feature a mini oasis for various creatures.

Enhancing Your Garden with a Pond or Pool

A beautiful image of a water feature for the home and garden

Imagine a garden pool reflecting the sun and sky, or a pond bustling with wildlife – these captivating water features can truly elevate your outdoor space. Ponds and pools not only add colour, light, and movement to your gardens, but also serve as a focal point, bringing harmony and balance to the landscape.

With various designs and materials available, there’s a pond or pool to suit every garden style. So let’s explore how to enhance your garden with these captivating water features.

Creating a Wildlife Haven with a Pond

Wildlife ponds are a fantastic addition to any garden, attracting insects, birds, amphibians, and mammals. They create a diverse ecosystem, bringing life and movement to your outdoor space. To create a wildlife-friendly pond, consider its location – an ideal spot receives both sun and light shade. Creating different water depths in the pond is another great way to attract a variety of wildlife. Just make sure to include a slope for easy access and exit for your new pond-dwelling friends.

In addition to providing the perfect habitat for various creatures, a wildlife pond can also be a beautiful focal point in your garden. Selecting the right plants, such as water lilies, irises, and cattails, can enhance the pond’s visual appeal while helping maintain water quality and providing shelter for wildlife. So, with a bit of planning and care, you can create a stunning and wildlife-friendly pond that breathes life into your garden.

Adding Visual Interest with a Garden Pool

Garden pools can add visual interest to your outdoor space while creating a calming, serene atmosphere. From formal geometric designs to more natural, free-form pools, there’s a garden pool to suit every style and space. To create a visually appealing pool area, consider adding colourful plants, garden planters, and detailed landscaping. These elements will make your pool area stand out and create a stunning focal point in your garden.

In addition to landscaping and design elements, selecting the right plants to enhance your pool is crucial. Marginal plants like water lilies, irises, and cattails can spruce up your water feature, adding a splash of colour and texture. With the right combination of design features and plants, your garden pool can become a mesmerizing visual centerpiece that will be the envy of your neighbors.

Transforming Your Outdoor Space with Fountains and Waterfalls

A fountain in a garden, adding visual interest with a range of materials

Fountains and waterfalls provide a dynamic element to your garden, offering movement, soothing sound, and visual appeal as water flows. These water features can vary in size and style, from grand, cascading waterfalls to small, trickling fountains. Before you decide on a fountain or waterfall, it’s essential to consider factors such as location, size, and maintenance.

You’ll also need a power source to run the necessary pumps to circulate the water. Let’s explore how to choose and design the perfect fountain or waterfall for your outdoor space.

Choosing the Right Fountain for Your Garden

Selecting the ideal fountain for your garden involves considering factors such as the size of your garden, the effect you want to create, and your personal style. From traditional tiered fountains to contemporary sculptural pieces, there’s a fountain to suit every taste and garden theme. Once you have chosen your perfect fountain, think about its placement. A well-placed fountain can create a stunning focal point and enhance the overall atmosphere of your garden.

Maintenance is another important factor to consider when choosing a fountain. Regular cleaning and pump checks are essential to keep your fountain looking and functioning at its best. By selecting a fountain that suits your garden’s size, style, and maintenance needs, you can create an enchanting outdoor space that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

Designing a Stunning Waterfall Feature

A well-designed waterfall feature can transform your garden into an oasis of tranquility. When planning your waterfall, consider materials such as stone, slate, or even recycled materials to create a visually appealing feature that complements your garden’s overall aesthetic. The installation process varies depending on the design, but typically involves digging a hole, lining it with a liner, and then adding the pump, rocks, and plants.

To keep your waterfall feature running smoothly, perform regular maintenance checks on the pump and ensure the rocks and plants are clean. You may also need to top up the water if it’s evaporating too quickly. With proper planning and care, a stunning waterfall feature can become the centerpiece of your garden, captivating and delighting all who visit.

Water Feature Maintenance and Care

A water feature with a pump, ensuring proper pump function for a clean and clear water feature

Proper maintenance and care are crucial for keeping your water feature looking its best and functioning optimally. Regular cleaning helps prevent algae build-up and ensures the wellbeing of any aquatic life inhabiting your water feature. Additionally, checking the pump for debris or blockages and maintaining the correct water level will keep your water feature running smoothly and efficiently.

Let’s explore some tips and techniques for maintaining and caring for your water feature.

Keeping Your Water Feature Clean and Clear

A clean and clear water feature is not only visually appealing, but also essential for the health of the aquatic life it supports. To maintain water clarity, consider using aquatic plants that absorb excess nutrients and supply oxygen to the water. Proper filtration techniques are also crucial for removing debris, algae, and other contaminants, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for aquatic creatures.

Cleaning your water feature is a simple yet vital task. White vinegar, warm soapy water, and a brush can be used to scrub the inside and outside of the water feature, avoiding metal scrubbers that can damage the surface. Alternatively, a water feature cleaning solution or a mixture of water and white vinegar can be used to keep your water feature looking its best.

Ensuring Proper Pump Function

A well-functioning pump is key to the optimal performance of your water feature. Ensuring proper pump function involves regular checks for debris or blockages, as well as monitoring the speed and water level. By keeping an eye on these factors and adjusting them when necessary, you can maintain the smooth operation of your water feature and enjoy the soothing sights and sounds it provides.

In conclusion, proper pump maintenance is essential for the longevity and efficiency of your water feature. By staying vigilant and performing regular checks, you can ensure that your water feature remains a beautiful and functional focal point in your outdoor space.

Plants to Enhance Your Water Feature

A water feature with marginal plants, enhancing the water feature with plants that soften the edges

The right plants can significantly enhance the beauty and appeal of your water feature, creating a more natural and harmonious look. Water starwort, water lilies, and dwarf waterlilies are just a few examples of plants that can add a touch of colour and life to your water feature.

But one type of plant, in particular, can play a crucial role in softening the edges and creating a natural look – marginal plants. These plants are typically found in shallow water, and they can help to create a more natural environment.

Marginal Plants: Softening the Edges

Marginal plants are those that grow in the shallow edges of your pond or water feature. They soften the edges, giving your water feature a more natural and harmonious appearance. Examples of marginal plants include gunnera, ostrich ferns, and aquatic water iris, which not only enhance the visual appeal of your water feature, but also provide shelter and habitat for wildlife.

Incorporating marginal plants into your water feature can create a stunning, natural-looking focal point that blends seamlessly with its surroundings. By selecting the right combination of plants, you can transform your water feature into a captivating, living work of art that enchants and soothes all who visit.


In this blog post, we’ve explored the many ways water features can enhance your garden, from adding visual interest and creating a calming atmosphere to attracting wildlife and providing a habitat for various creatures. With careful planning, selection, and maintenance, you can create the perfect water feature that complements your outdoor space and brings endless tranquility, beauty, and joy.

View the Arthur Jack water feature in our online shop


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need planning permission for a water feature?

No planning permission is typically required for a water feature, as long as it’s self-contained and doesn’t need a mains water supply. It’s best to check with your local planning office if you’re unsure.

What is the easiest water feature to maintain?

Pondless water features and fountains are the easiest water features to maintain, requiring minimal cleaning and only one bigger cleaning per year.

No matter the size of the feature, maintenance is minimal and easy to manage. The only thing that needs to be done is to clean the feature once a year, which can be done quickly and easily.

Is it expensive to run a water feature?

Running a water feature isn’t expensive at all, normally only costing a few pennies per day. Water needs to be topped up occasionally, but this is usually a negligible cost, and it won’t cause a huge spike in your energy bills.

The cost of running a water feature is minimal, and it can add a beautiful touch to your garden or outdoor space. It’s a great way to add a bit of life and movement.

What factors should I consider when choosing a water feature for my garden?

When choosing a water feature for your garden, take into account its size and installation space, the desired effect, and maintenance needs.

Consider the size of the feature and the space available for installation. Think about the look and feel you want to create in your garden. And make sure you understand the maintenance requirements of the feature.

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